Musicians Around The Globe
On this page you can view a small selection of our Instagram series. Scroll down for more information about how to submit your photos.
Thanks for considering sending us your photos! You can send your photo submission to this address. Use if your photos are too big to send in an email. We'll add all submission to our library, but only post the photos that fit the type of photos we're looking for.
(We might also post on our @youngclassicals channel if you're a classical musician.)
Please keep in mind that we're not looking for regular portrait photos of musicians. The location/setting is very important in our photos series, so make sure it's a beautiful/remarkable location where you take your photos.
We'll release a smartphone photography course later this Summer.
You can download any of our photos on this link and post as many as you want on your own channel. Please do tag us in your posts using @musicians.around.the.globe and #musiciansaroundtheglobe.
An idea for a post is to select up to 10 photos and ask your audience which one is their favourite.